Nevis & St Kitts

These companies are registered under the Nevis Business Corporation Ordinance of 1984.

Name - An application is filed with the Nevis & St Kitts International Business Authority and such name should not be similar to any already existing company.

Type of company - The common type of company registered is an International Business Company (IBC).

Taxation - Nevis & St Kitts companies are exempt from taxation.

Annual license fee - An annual licence fee of USD 220 is payable to the Nevis & St Kitts International Business Authority

Registered office - It must be situated in Nevis & St Kitts.

Members/Shareholders - The minimum number is one. The Shareholder may be the same person as the director.

Public access - The files maintained by the Nevis & St Kitts International Business Authority are not accessible to the public.

Secretary - It is not obligatory to appoint a Secretary.

Share capital - The minimum amount is $50000.

Annual Return filing - There is no requirement to file an annual return at the Nevis & St Kitts International Business Authority.

Financial Statements - There is no obligation to prepare and file audited financial statements.

For further information please contact us at


Treaty Update: Cyprus - Iran

30/11/2017 - The DTA between Cyprus and Iran will become effective from January 1, 2018.

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Treaty Update: Cyprus Mauritius

26/10/17 - Cyprus and Mauritius signed a DTA Protocol on October 23, 2017.

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